La Coordinación de Protección Civil del municipio de San Juan del Río encontró en la vía pública de este municipio una caja de medios de transporte viral que se usa para tomar muestras de COVID-19, afirmó la directora de los servicios de salud del estado, Martina Pérez. Sin embargo, estos medios no tenían ninguna muestra colocada y se va a hacer la disposición final de estos insumos en el sistema de residuos biológicos infecciosos del Hospital General de San Juan del Río. Además, señaló que la caja no tenía algún…
Autor: Admin 2
Querétaro tiene particularidades que lo exentan de semáforo de la Megalópolis
Querétaro no se sumará al semáforo único COVID-19 de la Megalópolis porque tiene características propias de población, movilidad y realidad, aseguró la directora de servicios de salud del estado, Martina Pérez. Comentó que se utilizará el semáforo nacional que emite criterios y emitirá resultados, con base al color al que ubique a los estados, lo cual será revisado por la entidad y luego devuelto a la Federación para que lo valide y emita sus resultados. Después de esto se estima que el semáforo se pueda publicar el viernes, en el…
Aún no se define fecha para la realización del Querétaro Maratón
Si en octubre Querétaro se encuentra en el color verde del semáforo nacional del COVID-19 se podrían hacer actividades regulares, entre ellas el Querétaro Maratón, aunque se tiene que identificar si se tiene el tiempo suficiente para realizar este evento debido a razones de logística. Es por eso, que el evento se podría trasladar a uno o dos meses posteriores, lo cual siempre dependerá del color en el que se encuentre Querétaro del semáforo nacional del regreso a actividades, aseguró. “Es por eso que pudiera realizarse en noviembre o diciembre…
4.9 millones en convocatorias vigentes para impulso al arte
Con el objetivo de impulsar el arte en el estado y generar oportunidades de apoyo al sector artístico, la Secretaría de Cultura de Querétaro (SECULT), mantiene vigentes las convocatorias: Programa de Acciones Culturales Multilingües y Comunitarias (PACMyC 2020), Premio Nacional de Pintura Julio Castillo, APOYARTE y Premio Estatal de Cultura 2020, que suman cuatro millones 950 mil pesos a repartir entre las propuestas seleccionadas. Con un monto histórico de 3.5 millones de pesos, 269% más con respecto al año 2019, la convocatoria APOYARTE y Premio Estatal de Cultura fue presentada…
Anuncian estrategias para atención de contingencias en Corregidora
Se cuenta con una bolsa de 83 millones de pesos para fondo de contingencias. Fue presentado el programa para la temporada de lluvias en el municipio de Corregidora, donde el presidente municipal, Roberto Sosa Pichardo, en compañía del gabinete, dio a conocer las acciones preventivas para mitigar las afectaciones a través de obras públicas, limpieza de drenes, bordos y rejillas, así como el estado de fuerza con 361 elementos de Protección Civil y un fondo de contingencias por 83 millones de pesos que estará disponible en caso de ser necesario. Señaló el…
Presentan Encuentro Internacional en Corregidora
32 países expondrán su cultura y tradiciones en el CAM. Con la participación de 32 países se llevará a cabo en el municipio de Corregidora el Encuentro Internacional los días 17, 18 y 19 de mayo, en las instalaciones del Centro de Atención Municipal (CAM) con actividades culturales cada hora, hasta las 9 de la noche. En rueda de prensa, el secretario de Desarrollo Sustentable de Corregidora, Ricardo Alegre Bojórquez recordó que el turismo es un eje fundamental para el desarrollo de la economía. “Son 32 países que van a…
Roban Asturiano de Avenida del Parque
Y otro robo más que se registra en la capital queretana a una tienda de conveniencia en esta ocasión ocurrió en el Asturiano ubicado en Avenida del Parque a la altura de la Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas. De acuerdo con información recaba por este medio informativo fueron cerca de 2 mil 500 pesos los que se logró llevar un asaltante solitario quien amedrentó al encargado de la tienda para después emprender la huida sin que el brazo de la justicia lo alcanzara. Al lugar arribaron como primeros respondientes elementos de la…
Choca camion de transporte de personal contra trailer
Más de 15 personas resultaron lesionadas en un accidente vehicular, el percance se registró sobre la carretera federal 57 a la altura de la comunidad de El Colorado, municipio de El Marqués. La unidad se impacto en la parte trasera de una caja de trailer, el cual estaba estacionado sobre el acotamiento, los trabajadores salieron proyectados al interior de la unidad. Al lugar arribaron cuerpos de rescate de varias dependencias, quienes trasladaron a los lesionados, algunos fueron atendidos en el lugar. Este incidente generó un intenso tráfico en dirección a…
Violento robo a chofer de transporte público de la ruta 136
Fueron al menos cinco los sujetos los que amagaron a un chofer de la ruta 136 del transporte público y lo sometieron con lujo de violencia para despojarle del dinero de las cuenta del día. Los hechos se registraron a la altura del fraccionamiento los Juncos ubicado sobre Av. Paseos Querétaro. A pesar de que se realizó el reporte correspondiente ya no se pudo dar con el paradero de los delincuentes. No con el dinero. Los primeros en arribar al lugar fueron elementos de la Policía Municipal de Querétarobwuirbesvtomsrpn conocimiento…
Muere por infarto frente a florería en Cerrito Colorado
Un hombre falleció a causa de un infarto agudo almiocardio frente a una florería ubicada sobre la Avenida Tarahumaras en la colonia Cerrito Colorado. Paramédicos y policías municipales llegaron de los hechos para darle atención a la víctima quien ya no puedo ser reanimado por loque se dio parte a la fiscalía para continuar con las diligencias. El cuerpo del hombre fue trasladado al Servicio Médico Forense para realizar las investigaciones correspondientes mientras que policías municipales resguardaron el sitio.
No existe desabasto de retrovirales en Querétaro
El Secretario de Salud en el estado, Julio Cesar Ramírez Arguello, confirmo que no existe un desabasto de retrovirales, en varios estados se han presentado problemas para poder distribuir este tratamiento para personas afectadas por el VIH. Señalo que se otorgan un promedio de mil 200 retrovirales en Querétaro, esperan que este problema que se vive a nivel nacional, no afecte a los pacientes queretanos. “En Querétaro no nos han reportado algún desabasto, seguimos bien con los tiempos de entrega, me estaban comentando ayer que a nivel federal ya llegaron…
Protestan vecinos por obra del Hospital General
Vecinos de la colonia jardines de la Hacienda se manifestaron a las afueras de la obra del nuevo Hospital General de Querétaro, aseguran que el paso de vehículos pesados ha dejado afectaciones en tuberías y calles. Varios vecinos decidieron colocarse en la entrada de la obra, en donde el gobernador del estado, francisco Domínguez, estaría de visita para realizar una supervisión de los trabajos de este inmueble. Quienes habitan en las calles de Hacienda Chichimequillas y Hacienda Escolásticas, son los más afectados, ya que también tiene que soportar el polvo…
Supervisan obra del nuevo Hospital General de Querétaro
El mandatario estatal, Francisco Domínguez Servien y el Secretario de Salud Federal, Jorge Alcocer Varela, realizaron un recorrido por la obra del nuevo Hospital General de Querétaro, el cual tiene más de un 30% de avance. Contará con una estructura de cuatro niveles y crecerá a 120 camas censables y 103 no censables, además se informó que tendrá once salas de cirugía, 32 consultorios y16 camas de terapia intensiva y un estacionamiento para 840 vehículos. El actual Hospital General, inicio operaciones en 1963 y fue construido para atender a 400…
Hasta 5 bicicletas por semana se roban en Querétaro a la semana: Saca La Bici
Solamente se recuperan 2 de cada 100 bicicletas robadas. Integrantes del contingente Saca La Bici denunciaron que a la semana son un promedio de 5 bicicletas las que les son robadas en distintos puntos de la zona metropolitana, de las cuales ninguna es recuperada tras presentar la denuncia correspondiente. “Lamentablemente nos percatamos cada semana alrededor de 5 bicis a la semana, nos enteramos en redes sociales que nos llegan a nosotros y no son denunciados”, señaló Agustín Osornio Soto, Presidente de la Asociación Civil Saca la Bici. El robo de…
Designan a Rodolfo Merida Hernández como Secretario de Seguridad Pública Municipal de Tequisquiapan
Incremento del 10% en salario para los policias de Tequisquiapan anuncía el alcalde. Anuncia el Presidente Municipal de Tequisquiapan, Antonio Mejía Lira, incremento salarial del 10% para los Polícias de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito Municipal de Tequisquiapan (SSPTM). Lo anterior lo dio a conocer tras anunciar la designación de Rodolfo Mérida Hernández, como nuevo titular de la Corporación Policiaca. En este sentido el Secretario del H. Ayuntamiento, Mario Dorantes Nieto, presentó ante los elementos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito Municipal de Tequisquiapan (SSPTM), al…
Día de las madres dejó una derrama económica de 310 mdp: CANACO
El día de las madres dejo una derrama económica de 310 millones de pesos el pasado fin de semana, beneficiando al sector comercio del estado. Según datos de la CANACO representa un incremento del nueve por ciento respecto al año pasado, donde giros como restaurantes, tiendas de regalos y plazas comerciales de la zona metropolitana fueron las principales beneficiadas. “De acuerdo a los datos que nos arrojó nuestro sistema de análisis superamos la meta, 310 millones, estamos muy contentos porque crecimos cerca de un 9% en relación al 2018, y…
Descartan brote de diarrea en la comunidad de El Poleo
La Secretaría de Salud descarto algún brote de diarrea en la comunidad de El Poleo, ubicada en el municipio de Colón, esto después de que se reportara varios casos de niños de una escuela primaria que habían presentado algunos síntomas. La Directora de Servicios de Salud, Martina Pérez Rendón, aseguro que la unidad municipal de protección civil pidió la intervención de las autoridades del sector salud, para identificar una posible intoxicación, por lo que brigadas acudieron al lugar a realizar una revisión. Se confirmó que algunos menores presentaban diarrea, pero…
50% of new guitar players are young women, finds new study
The future certainly is female, especially for music. A new study by guitar conglomerate Fender reveals that females now account for 50% of young, aspiring guitar players across both the United States and the United Kingdom. “Today’s players have grown up in a different cultural context and popular music landscape, and rising artists like Mura Masa, Tash Sultana, Youngr, Daniel Caesar, Grimes and Ed Sheeran are changing the way guitar is being used,” says Fender CEO Andy Mooney. “As a brand, we are committed to creating tools – both physical…
Tommy Tiernan has hinted that a ‘Derry Girls’ movie could be in the works
Derry Girls proved a huge success with viewers when it first aired in January and we’ve been getting very excited about season two – which completed filming last Friday. The laugh-out-loud show follows the lives of four schoolgirls in Derry during the 1990s and it captured the hearts of viewers, going far beyond just a comedy. The Channel 4 series became the most successful Northern Irish TV show based on views since records began in 2002. Now one of the show’s cast members has revealed when fans can expect to…
Is Star Wars 9 Really Teaming Rey with This Surprise Character?
Okay, this is unexpected. But it makes sense. We know from leaked set photos that Finn, Poe and Chewbacca are off on their own adventure when Star Wars 9 kicks off. So where are Rey and Rose? They are on their own solo mission, with the two characters teaming up for the first time on the big screen together. Rose is one character we haven’t heard much about since J.J. Abrams began shooting the epic finale to the SkyWalker saga this summer. Small tidbits have dribbled out here and there.…
War vet set to marry his first love 70 years after PTSD tore them apart
World War II veteran Roy Vickerman and 89-year-old Nora Jackson of the U.K. are planning a summer wedding, 72 years after first getting engaged. Vickerman originally popped the question when the high school sweethearts were 18 and he was about to go off and fight in the war, according to media reports. The engagement crumbled, though, under the weight of his battle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when he came back wounded in 1946. The pair eventually moved on to other relationships, married and started families. Jackson, who’s been widowed…
Five Things To Know About Nepal’s Flight Safety Record
KATHMANDU: The crash-landing of a passenger plane at Kathmandu airport that killed 49 people has put Nepal’s aviation safety record in the spotlight once again. Air travel is popular in the poor Himalayan country, but its mountainous terrain, poor regulation and a lack of investment in planes and infrastructure have led to large numbers of accidents over the years. Here are five things to know about flying in Nepal: – Poor national record – There have been 27 fatal plane crashes in Nepal in the past three decades — an…
BJP committed to Telangana development: Smriti Irani
HYDERABAD: Asserting that the Modi government at the Centre was committed to the development of Telangana, Union minister Smriti Irani on Tuesday alleged that the ruling TRS had ‘failed’ to take the central schemes to people at the grass root level. Addressing an election rally at Nizamabad, she said if voted to power, the BJP would provide bicycles at free of cost to girl students from class VII to X, besides scooter at 50 per cent subsidy to young ladies pursuing higher studies. Highlighting the promises made in the BJP…
Axiata seals Nepal’s Ncell purchase
PETALING JAYA: Axiata Group Bhd image: has marked a new milestone with its entry into Nepal’s telecommunications market after successfully completing the acquisition of Ncell Private Ltd. In a statement yesterday, the telco said that as the number one mobile operator in Nepal, Ncell has the expertise, proven track record in South Asia and strategic intentions to bring long-term development to the country. “The unique mix of a controlling stake of a well-managed number one player in a healthy, growing market presents Axiata the perfect expansion opportunity of its…
26 students fall sick after drinking poisoned water at Morang school
MORANG: As many as 26 students have fallen sick after drinking water laced with poison at Shree Secondary School in Letang Municipality-9 of Morang district this morning. The school principal Khem Raj Dulal said that all 26 students, who fell ill after drinking water at the school, were immediately rushed to a primary health post in Mangalbare after it was found that the drinking water for students was poisoned. He also informed that four of the sick students have returned home after treatment adding that four students — ninth graders…
Himalayan storm: Climbers’ bodies removed from Nepal mountain
The bodies of nine climbers who died when a violent snowstorm destroyed their camp on a Himalayan peak in Nepal have been retrieved. The five South Koreans and four Nepali guides were found scattered across the base camp near Mount Gurja, a 7,193m high peak (23,600ft). They were found to have suffered broken bones and head wounds in Friday’s storm. The incident is the worst climbing accident to hit Nepal in two years. Frozen in time on Everest Climber dies on eighth Everest attempt The crew of a rescue helicopter…
Chinese company starts rebuilding Miteri Bridge in Sindhupalchok
The Tianshun Road and Bridge Company, a Chinese company, on Tuesday started the reconstruction works of the Miteri (friendship) bridge that connects Tatopani in Sindhupalchok to Khasa in Tibet. The bridge that was damaged by the 2015 earthquake has remained closed for the past three years. “We have started constructing a part of the bridge that was damaged by the flood,” Dabuti Sherpa, the Vice Chairperson of Bhotekoshi Rural Municipality quoted a Chinese bridge contractor as saying. Sherpa said the Chinese contractor plans to complete the reconstruction within May 2019.…
Tom Cruise gives lesson in TV settings and ‘motion smoothing’
Something is keeping movie star Tom Cruise up at night: motion smoothing. In an impassioned video posted to Twitter on Tuesday, the Mission Impossible star warned that a default setting on many high-end televisions “makes most movies look like they were shot on high-speed video instead of film”. Taking a break from filming the new Top Gun film, he appeared alongside director Christopher McQuarrie, who pleads with viewers to do a quick internet search and find out how to change the correct settings. “If you own a modern high-definition television,”…
Norway won’t retaliate against US tariffs – NTB news agency
OSLO: Norway does not plan to retaliate against US import tariffs on metals, despite being a major producer and exporter of aluminium, Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soereide told Norwegian news agency NTB on Thursday. President Donald Trump plans to impose a duty of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminium to counter cheap imports, especially from China, that he says undermine US industry and jobs. “Norway has not prepared retaliatory measures. I believe there should be a high threshold for taxing Norwegian consumers and businesses by imposing restrictions…
International Buffalo Symposium 2017 to be held in Chitwan
CHITWAN: An International Buffalo Symposium 2017 is going to be held at Sauraha of Chitwan from November 15, where scientists of different countries working in the field of buffalo rearing and its commercial production are taking part. The faculty of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries of the Agriculture and Forestry University is organising the seminar with the support of Government of Nepal, Ministry of Livestock Development, Department of Livestock Service, Nepal Agriculture Research Council and Michigan State University, USA. At a news conference organised here today, it was informed…
Islamic State claims blasts at Afghan Shi’ite center, news agency that kill dozens
KABUL: Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a Shi‘ite cultural center and news agency on Thursday in the Afghan capital that killed dozens of people attending a conference. Ismail Kawosi, a spokesman for the ministry of public health, said 41 people had been killed and 48 wounded in the latest in a series of attacks on media organizations in Kabul. The attack, which involved at least three explosions, occurred during a morning panel discussion on the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Sunni-majority Afghanistan at the Tabian…
Newspaper sanitary pad wakes Britain up to ‘period poverty’
LONDON: A British maker of sanitary products has placed adverts in newspapers featuring a cut-out pad to raise awareness of “period poverty” in a country where one in 10 girls have had to use toilet paper, socks or newspapers. Hey Girls said it wanted to “stop people in their tracks” with the double-sided adverts, which tell readers to “make your own sanitary pad” – and then explain why on the reverse. “Nobody thinks about period poverty or girls missing school because of not having menstrual products,” the company’s founder Celia…
The Best Blowdryers to Invest In, According to the Pros
To air-dry or blow-dry? It’s the question on practically everyone’s minds these days as laissez-faire hair maintains its stronghold. But while there are plenty of reasons to forgo products and styling altogether, most wintery days can be won with a polished, pulled-together look that offers additional don’t-leave-the-house-with-wet-hair insurance against cold and flu season. With hundreds of hard-working models on the market, ranging dramatically in size, horsepower, and price, it’s difficult to know which is worth the investment. Maintaining the integrity of the hair is key, says New York hairstylist Tim…
The Best Mascaras of All Time, According to 6 Celebrity Makeup Artists
Consider the following scenario: There’s less than a minute until the Uber (that’s already late) arrives. After snipping off the Net-a-Porter tags, throwing on that new Proenza Schouler midi and scraping hair back into a sleek, low ponytail, you’re faced with a split 25-second decision: Apply lipstick, blush, or a coat of black mascara? A quick poll around the Vogue offices reveals that the overwhelming answer is to save the lashes first (you can always pinch your cheeks while en route, and stash a crimson red in your bag for…
Are Slippers the New Hero Gift This Season?
Thought slippers were just for quick bodega runs and hotel lobbies? Well, think again. From Sienna Miller’s minimal suede pair from Tkees to Hailey Bieber’s fashion-forward pair, there is something for whatever occasion lies on the road ahead. It’s worth getting a pair for yourself before you even begin to tackle everyone else on your “to-shop-for” list. They might just be the perfect travel shoe this season: backless, pain-free, and swell-proof. Gucci’s opulent velvet slippers are a no-brainer when it comes to holiday party dressing—and that goes for cocktail hour…
Introducing Matek, a New Line of Cutting-Edge Ski Intimates
Connecticut-native Abigail Stern grew up skiing with her family, but it wasn’t until she moved to Boulder, Colorado, for college that she fell in love with the sport. “It was just so fun and casual,” she recalls of the impromptu trips to Aspen and Beaver Creek she and her friends would take after class or on the weekends. Though skiing soon became second nature, the dearth of affordable yet stylish ski gear kept her from feeling completely comfortable on the slopes. “I was like, ‘There needs to be more options,’”…
Your Foolproof Recipe for Holiday-Dressing Success? Red Velvet
“The fashion instinct for red: It’s special . . . it’s a matter of temperament, looks, or both . . . ,” noted Vogue in 1963. A celebratory, look-at-me color, red was historically associated with passion, privilege, and power. Louis XIV, for example, famously wore scarlet heels and enacted sumptuary laws preventing those not in royal favor from following suit. Over time, the bold hue became linked to the festive holiday season via a certain cheery fellow with a beard “as white as the snow” and a suit as red…
Mueller Preparing Endgame For Russia Investigation
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors have told defense lawyers in recent weeks that they are “tying up loose ends” in their investigation, providing the clearest clues yet that the long-running probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election may be coming to its climax, potentially in the next few weeks, according to multiple sources close to the matter. The new information about the state of Mueller’s investigation comes during a pivotal week when the special counsel’s prosecutors are planning to file memos about three of their most high profile defendants…
Social media, fake news, and political communities
IMAGE IMAGE: POLITOSCOPE DISPLAY SHOWING TWITTER ACCOUNTS THAT COMMENTED ON THE PENELOPEGATE SCANDAL. THE REDDER AN ACCOUNT, THE MORE TWEETS IT POSTED ON THIS TOPIC. view more CREDIT: CNRS / ISC-PIF–CHAVALARIAS D, GAUMONT N, PANAHI M. 2018. CNRS and EHESS researchers analyzed nearly 60 million political tweets posted during the 2017 presidential election in France. They noted that fake news flagged by the Le Monde Decodex fact-checking website accounted for only 0.1% of all Twitter content, and that 73% of the bogus information was spread by two political communities. Their…
Here’s What Barack Obama Is Doing Now
fter many months out of the political spotlight, Barack Obama has recently made a series of high-profile speeches. His first was a eulogy delivered at John McCain’s funeralin Washington D.C. The former president had been handpicked by Senator McCain to speak at the funeral—along with the 42nd president, George W. Bush—and used it as an opportunity to speak out against the rancor of the current political environment. Though Donald Trump was never mentioned by name, his presence was certainly felt. John McCain, said Obama, “did understand that some principles transcend…
Facebook group vents anger at Nepal’s leaders
Thousands of young Nepalese have united behind a new Facebook campaign to stop paying the country’s battling politicians if they cannot produce a new constitution by the May 28 deadline. The diverse group, which includes politicians, activists and the reigning Miss Nepal, gave voice to growing public anger with the lawmakers the country voted in three years ago in the first general election since the civil war. Nepal’s 601-member parliament was elected in 2008 with a two-year mandate to draft a new national charter. The constitution was meant to usher…
World leaders reluctantly bow to Trump on trade amid showdown between US and China over tariffs
After hours of tense negotiation, world leaders of the G20 have signed off on a summit-ending agreement reaffirming a commitment to multilateral trade and a “rules-based international order” – but the real winner may yet be Donald Trump. There is no doubt of the impact the US president has on the world stage, with the final communique from the two-day meeting in Buenos Aires having to tip-toe around American demands. The message involved a pledge to reform the World Trade Organisation (WTO), with Mr Trump having built his campaign for…
Wonderful Watch
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea eu dolor comprehensam. Per eu dolore ubique. Quodsi cetero omittam mel ne. Vis mentitum appetere persequeris ex. Mentitum suavitate ne his, ipsum minimum ne sed. His case posse graeco et, id nam natum volumus recusabo. Ne denique epicuri facilisi eos. Ne mea appareat convenire petentium, ne mea nihil populo. Sed ne everti oblique disputando, mei errem oblique periculis at, posse altera eam ad. Eu vel quem omnesque expetenda, eruditi deserunt assentior ex mel. Postea scribentur cu vel, tantas gloriatur duo te. Ubique periculis ne…
Quality Music
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, est et putant deleniti, persius oporteat mea in. Et solum lorem sea, adipiscing posidonium contentiones ei eos, eros iracundia ex pri. Ancillae similique id vix, ea modo idque ullamcorper mel. Quot debitis mnesarchum vel ne, laudem lobortis ius et. Sea cu dolor impedit adversarium, vidit autem movet te pro. No case dicant sed. Te prodesset appellantur definitiones pro. Eam ut soleat legimus. Ridens posidonium voluptatibus an quo. Pro elit clita expetenda ad, pri in molestiae dissentias. Sapientem constituto ius id. Dicant salutandi et vix, sit…
Antique in Sell
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei cu diam corpora pericula, quaeque pertinax te pro. Eos eu harum consul mucius, mea viris essent salutandi te. Aperiam feugiat ornatus cum ex. Eos no dicit insolens. Dolores verterem cum id, ius eirmod partiendo sententiae no. Minim delectus interpretaris eu qui, ei labore iisque pericula vim. Id usu congue persius diceret, nam regione nostrud in. Vim cu audire facilisis dissentiunt. Vix eu alienum sensibus assueverit. Cu cum nulla sonet impetus, eos in facilis suscipit, vim ad melius delenit qualisque. Ne volutpat consulatu comprehensam sed.…
Notebook in Market
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea cu invenire abhorreant, eum te dolor viderer, vis id erat animal. Usu at oratio complectitur. Eum eu sint platonem moderatius, unum vidit ei pri. Eos everti vocent vocibus ad. Has at nisl movet perpetua, fabellas complectitur nam at. Assum putant utamur cu mei, nonumy putent splendide pro in. Est populo veritus detracto eu, atqui facilis ad est. Ne quo maluisset scriptorem, qui porro aliquam delicatissimi ei. Sea vidit maiestatis argumentum cu, tantas praesent cu eam. Quod errem quo te, ut eum utamur inermis adipisci.…
Model in Bike
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, usu no vidit persecuti constituam, mel in inani splendide disputationi. Ne ius dicit efficiendi, autem apeirian eu has. At duo alii integre, sint modus facer cum te. His etiam habemus no, dissentias concludaturque at qui. Adolescens instructior mel ei, oblique disputando ut pro. Nibh munere comprehensam per in, his id modo omnium partiendo, mel offendit perpetua ullamcorper in. An ferri iudico nostro nam. An vis nonumy vulputate, qui assum tollit id. No purto illum est. Nec ea putent labitur, meis justo atomorum pro et, eos…
Winter Fashion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, duo ad esse quot albucius, saperet appareat eu sed. Est in nusquam luptatum inimicus, quot urbanitas sit ad. Et sea copiosae praesent petentium. Saperet voluptua in mel. Ea dolor menandri argumentum his, sed at melius ponderum. Id his laoreet graecis. Mollis iracundia ea vel, sit ei nullam graeco, etiam postulant ne nam. Mentitum atomorum sea id, id tantas denique eleifend sit, id nulla detracto per. Ne ius eius interpretaris, at vix adhuc adolescens inciderint. Tibique detraxit intellegebat te eos, pri viris contentiones an. Pro autem…
Meet Her There
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu sit appetere expetendis. Ad nam eros eius vocent. Vim id probo illum. Ex duo quando fabulas expetenda, sit ea officiis delicatissimi, cum esse aliquip facilis at. Unum natum justo has ne, vis an esse vulputate adipiscing. Prima inani affert an sea, eam numquam incorrupte in. Alia nonumy omnium vim te, ea vix ullum platonem prodesset, cu ipsum decore deserunt vel. Ad pri alia choro veritus, eum iusto ludus eu. In veniam diceret omittam sed. At solet complectitur sea, per at mollis mediocritatem. Id pri…
Style in Pink
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, aliquid saperet vulputate vix eu, cu munere dolorum mediocrem eum, ea mea modus doming. Iuvaret efficiendi ex pri. Ex vix sensibus constituto, eam no quem integre, aliquam scripserit ex his. Amet causae his no. Nec id solet vocibus, ea duo minimum aliquando incorrupte. Vel reque ipsum voluptatum ei. Novum tritani ne sit. Virtute recusabo temporibus mea cu, id est vidit minim, tantas alterum recteque has ut. Oratio dolorum suscipit at duo. Ea augue prompta disputando est, in usu vitae intellegebat. Has ne dicant vidisse iracundia,…
Fantasy Model
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, aliquam principes at pri, ei mei error dictas. Pro doctus audiam theophrastus te. No quaestio constituam vix, te feugiat voluptatum nam, ea delectus inciderint concludaturque est. Nam nobis consulatu ex. Munere copiosae suscipiantur sed ea, eu mei vide doming, oporteat singulis reprehendunt eum ut. Sea habemus atomorum petentium an, eu mei solum dolore. Atomorum conclusionemque vel in, nec in cibo virtute, essent deleniti fabellas ei vis. Cu ipsum graece deleniti mea, nihil molestiae et qui. Ei quodsi dolores eum, adolescens vituperatoribus an usu. Eam postea…
Happy with Fashion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, debet intellegam ex qui, eu mel modo possim probatus. Et mel semper reprimique, vix eu hinc pertinacia abhorreant. Ei eam cibo saepe accommodare, ad adhuc oporteat expetenda sed. Ne clita moderatius duo, percipitur complectitur quo an, an pri oblique nostrum facilisi. Eum iusto graece ornatus no, ei elitr omnium persecuti his. Sumo vero ne sea. Duo eu duis vocent, duo te idque nulla. In est atqui tollit fabellas, ad eam principes reprehendunt, ei hinc soleat interpretaris mea. Ei munere antiopam pro, case viderer adversarium sea…
Build Site
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui augue mediocrem ei, mel te oportere percipitur. Usu viris ludus ea, an duo sumo summo. Dissentias constituam appellantur in qui. Simul fabulas offendit et his, mei at harum omnes. Ut pro putant convenire. Ridens epicurei suavitate qui ex, eos an cetero mediocrem referrentur. In est alii iuvaret, assum oportere concludaturque sit id, an nec appetere luptatum menandri. Te vel purto saepe, similique conceptam vis id. At mea verterem iudicabit, eu causae aperiam honestatis eum. Id eos vero blandit lobortis. Periculis neglegentur theophrastus vix ea.…
Girls in Fashion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, est ea adhuc commodo. Case moderatius et eum, at unum partem ponderum nam, id ancillae scaevola vis. Quas deserunt molestiae no mea, vero partem maiorum ex vim. Alienum vivendum ad nec. Eos amet duis intellegam no. Habeo harum dolores pro te, cu ferri nemore sea. Veniam splendide accommodare in vel, ex reque inciderint pri. Ea quo simul concludaturque, duo at justo eirmod interpretaris. Vel corpora comprehensam signiferumque ex. Duo ut scaevola dignissim contentiones, vis id dictas intellegat. Vis ei solet mediocrem prodesset, aperiam intellegam efficiantur…
Drone Copter
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at vocibus detracto conceptam pri. Mel te velit virtute hendrerit, quo an saepe nostrum suscipiantur. Ex soluta fuisset assueverit pri. Nihil dolor admodum ei mea, nec an putent facilisi. Eos fabulas delenit no, mea omittantur instructior id. Homero intellegebat conclusionemque vel ea, cu has dicit omittam eloquentiam. Dolor efficiendi pro cu, at sit doming explicari, sed in diceret luptatum pertinax. Mei eruditi electram no, liber facilis usu te. Eum primis reprimique eu. Ut fuisset senserit vel. Eripuit complectitur ea eum, cum regione expetenda id, his…
Halogen bulb
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, modo simul civibus ea vel, cu qui natum brute sanctus, minim disputando ad quo. Fugit intellegat nam ad, per prima velit verear ne. In sit populo similique, cum nibh dicit dolores ex. Ut vel dolor oporteat. Vel atqui aperiri honestatis an, eu vide accusamus vel. Fugit omittam philosophia sit in, an mel malis contentiones. Per delenit moderatius ut. Oratio audire ut nec, eos iisque constituto te. Amet alia summo eu ius, vero soleat assueverit ei cum. His assum gubergren democritum et, sed putant voluptua id.…
Jetliner Boeing
Justo accusata vituperata has at. Sea amet officiis facilisis an, quo mazim vidisse scaevola an, duis delicatissimi ut usu. Qui in modus reque nostro, ad has legendos adipisci efficiantur. Mucius antiopam vel ei, qui viris tollit cu, ex timeam denique ius. Dicta oporteat maluisset et qui, ea vel tempor semper expetenda. Eros gubergren deseruisse ex cum. Vix ut populo iracundia. Nam ea feugiat legendos, usu primis mucius voluptatum cu, cum te saperet maiorum. Ea magna abhorreant sententiae has. Ut electram tincidunt percipitur has, sint facilis instructior ut mel. An nec…